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Our mission is to free the world from dandruff. And as it affects around half of the population, we’ve worked hard to make sure that our products are available wherever in the world you are. After working for over sixty years to develop shampoos and conditioners that not only treat dandruff effectively but are pleasant to use, we’re confident that you’ll find the right product for you. To find out more about how to treat dandruff and the products available in your local area, click on the links below to find our website in your language.

Dandruff - United States - United States

 Dandruff - United Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates

 Dandruff - Australia - Australia

 Dandruff - Bhutan - Bhutan (EN)

 Dandruff - Canada - Canada (EN)

 Dandruff - United Kingdom - United Kingdom

 Dandruff - India - India

 Dandruff - Jordan - Jordan (EN)

 Dandruff - Pakistan - Pakistan (EN)

 Dandruff - Qatar - Qatar

 Dandruff - Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia (EN)

 Caspa - España - Spain

 Caspa - Argentina - Argentina

 Caspa - Bolivia - Bolivia

 Caspa - Chile - Chile

 Caspa - Colombia - Colombia

 Caspa - Costa Rica - Costa Rica

 Caspa - Ecuador - Ecuador

 Caspa - Guatemala - Guatemala

 Caspa - Honduras - Honduras

 Caspa - Méjico - Mexico

 Caspa - Nicaragua - Nicaragua

 Caspa - Panama - Panama

 Caspa - Peru - Peru

 Caspa - Paraguay - Paraguay

 Caspa - Estados Unidos - Estados Unidos

 Caspa - Uruguay - Uruguay

 Caspa - Venezuela - Venezuela

 Pellicules - Canada - Canada

 Pellicules - Algeria - Algeria

 Pellicules - France - France

 Pellicules - Mali - Mali

 Pellicules - Arabie Saoudite - Saudia Arabia

 Pellicules - French - Tunisia

Перхоти - Россия - Russia

 Łupież - Polska - Poland

عربى -  قشرة الرأس - Arabic

 Schuppen - Deutschland - Germany

ישראל -  קשקשים - Israel

 Ketombe - Indonesia - Indonesia

 Forfora - Italian - Italy

 Roos - Nederland - Netherlands

 Caspa - Brasil - Brazil

 Mătreaţă - România - Romania

 Kepek - Türkiye - Turkey

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