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If you have a dry, flaky, or itchy scalp, it may be time to try a hair scalp scrub for dandruff! This incredible pre-shampoo scalp treatment can help gently exfoliate your scalp to leave it feeling fresh and invigorated, not itchy or weighed down with build-up. Follow our step-by-step guide for how to get the most out of your scalp scrub, and your anti-dandruff shower routine.

How to use a scalp scrub

Step 1: Pick the right scrub

There are many scalp scrubs, but you want to look for one specifically formulated to help exfoliate without irritation. Some scrubs can be harsh on your scalp, or strip color from your strands, so choose a brand and formula known for gentle but effective ingredients.

Step 2: Get your hair wet

Some pre-shampoo treatments are meant to be used on dry hair, but scalp scrubs should always be used on wet hair. Get your hair and scalp fully wet, as if you were about to shampoo, before using your scalp scrub.

Step 3: Massage into your scalp

Massage your scalp scrub into your scalp with gentle, circular movements. Make sure you get the entirety of your scalp, from the very front to the very back. This will exfoliate your scalp, helping you remove oil, build-up, and dead skin cells to give you a beautiful foundation for healthy hair.

Step 4: Rinse out

Thoroughly rinse out your strands. Run your fingers through your hair and scalp to make sure it’s free of any left-over scrub.

Step 5: Shampoo

Shampoo as normal with your favorite anti-dandruff shampoo. You may notice after using a scalp scrub that you can use less shampoo than you normally would, since your scalp is already free of dead skin cells and flakes. Like the scrub, massage your shampoo gently into your scalp and then thoroughly rinse until your hair is cleansed and free of any product.

Step 6: Condition

Follow with your favorite conditioner, taking extra care to condition around your ends, which tend to be drier than your scalp or mid-strands. Like your shampoo, you should pick a formula with anti-dandruff ingredients that will condition without leaving visible residue behind.

Step 7: Treat

If you are treating your hair or scalp with any targeted treatments, use the treatments as a final step in your routine before styling. Tip – right after a scalp scrub and hair wash is the perfect time to use a treatment, since your scalp is exfoliated and primed to absorb ingredients.

Step 8: Style

Style your hair as usual. Always pick a styling product that’s specially formulated to have anti-dandruff properties, as some products can irritate your scalp or leave residue in your hair, worsening dandruff.

Scrub your way to a healthy scalp

Supreme Scalp Exfoliating Treatment Scrub

Infused with vitamin E and argan oil, this scrub detox helps to remove product build up and dead skin cells for healthier hair. With regular use, it deeply exfoliates to renew your skin’s surface and provide a healthy foundation to grow beautiful hair. Plus, this fresh-smelling formula is free of dyes and adds a soothing experience to your shower routine. It’s like a gentle buildup remover and scalp treatment all in one.

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