We’ve heard the question “how can I get thicker hair?” asked many times, but over our decades of research we’ve found that’s not the correct question to ask. Before you buy all the miracle shampoos, conditioners, miracle tonics, and more, it’s important to understand that you cannot change the texture of your hair. That’s right—we’ll say it again: the texture of your hair cannot be changed. Meaning, that the “fix it all” cures you see advertised are selling you a false bill of goods.
But not all hope is lost. What can be achieved is the appearance of thicker, fuller hair by having strong and healthy strands. And if you have experienced or are experiencing hair loss, there are steps that can be taken to regrow and restore the strands that have fallen out or broken off, in most cases.
So, how do you get thicker hair? Let’s start with the reasons why your hair might be thinning.
What causes thinning hair?
A number of factors can cause thin or thinning hair—not the least of which being genetics. If you have naturally thin or fine hair, your hair will likely always be thin. This is not to be confused with your hair density. The quality of your hair (fine, normal, coarse) is different than how much hair you have (AKA your hair density—thin, normal, thick). You may have thin hair, but a lot of follicles, making it appear that you have normal, or even “thick” hair. Genetic conditions can also play a role in how many hairs you shed daily (50-100 is average!), your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and vitamins, and other hair loss factors.
So, if the gene pool already has laid claim to your hair, what are the factors that you can control?
o Dietary restrictions
o Supplements
o Eating disorders/disordered eating
o Stress
o Having children, nursing/menopauseStyling
o Chemicals
o Hairstyle
o Over-treating (coloring/curling irons, etc)
o Rough-fiber linens
How to achieve thicker-looking strands
1. Identify your cause or causes for hair thinning or excessive shedding
Is it work stress? Are you pregnant or nursing? Each case of hair loss or thinning hair is different from one person to the next. Figuring out your root cause will be critical when repairing your hair.
2. Track what you eat
Even if you eat what you consider to be a “healthy” diet, you still may be lacking many nutrients and vitamins that are key to your hair health! Taking supplements in the form of daily vitamins or drink powders may be a quick addition that can help your hair stay strong and healthy from the inside out.
3. Find the right hair thickening products for you
There are lots of treatments and home remedies for thin hair. Scalp massages, keratin treatments, hair masks, essential oils, volumizing shampoos and conditioners, and more can be introduced to your hair routine slowly and one at a time to see what works.
4. Leave your hair alone!
Sometimes, the best remedy is to do nothing at all. Meaning, if you color, relax, or use special heat treatments on your hair often, cut those out for a period of time and monitor your hair. Or, if you often wear tight ponytails, buns, or clips that may snag hair, try a new style that uses low manipulation.
5. Consult a physician
If you’ve tried the above and nothing seems to be working, or believe your condition could be medical, it never hurts to talk to your doctor.