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Have you ever wondered exactly how your hair works? What we see is luscious locks, but how does it actually grow? Understanding how it functions will help you take better care of your hair.

Some of us have at some point attempted to grow a garden or keep orchids in our home.

This was probably not that successful for everyone because they didn’t know exactly what the plants’ biology was and what they needed to grow and bloom.

Understanding your hair biology will help you to take better care of it and your scalp, a bit like plants in a garden. The environment where hair is grown, for the surface of your scalp, to what’s underneath, impact the condition of your hair.

So, let’s have a look at some of the key aspects of hair biology 101.

What is your hair made of?

Your hair is mainly made up of a substance called keratin, as well as natural oils that keep your hair flexible.

The outside, or the part that everyone sees, is called the cuticle and made of five to 10 overlapping layers of protein-rich shingles on a roof. These protect what’s underneath: the middle section called the cortex.

The cortex holds long bundles of proteins that give hair its strength and keep it from breaking.

At the center there’s often an empty zone called the medulla. Not all hair has the medulla and it’s more likely to develop as we grow older. The presence of a medulla makes hair stiffer and harder to bend.

When it comes to hair products, the most important part is the cuticle. When the layers of protein lie smoothly against each other, hair looks shiny and smooth.

Everyday routine activities like brushing and washing, make the cuticle lift up instead of laying straight, and begin to break off the fiber.

This makes hair frizzy, rough and more prone to tangling, breaking and split ends.

Good hair products can help protect and smooth the cuticle layers so they lay flat, and your hair can be soft, smooth and healthy looking.

How does hair grow?

It’s grown by follicles - small structures on the inner layer of your skin which make your hair. Cool, right?

Before you actually start seeing the hair, it’s already been growing beneath the skin’s surface for about 2 weeks.

For the hair to develop properly, the follicles need to be in a good condition. Each follicle has a blood supply and oil-producing glands to help it grow and nurture the hair.

These are the main components of our hair and there’s also a lot more science when it comes to our scalps.

Dandruff and itching, and the scratching that results from it, can significantly impact the quality of your hair before it grows.

This is why it’s important to start fighting dandruff and its early signs, to give your hair the best possible foundation.

Take care of your hair with Head & Shoulders Classic Clean shampoo.

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