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Whether your hair is short or long, you can still get dandruff. That’s because dandruff is the result of what’s happening on the scalp – in fact, it has very little to do with your hair length.

When you suffer from dandruff, it’s because you’re sensitive to changes on your scalp caused by these factors:

  • sebum - the natural scalp oils everyone produces

  • Malassezia globosa - a naturally occurring microbe present on everyone’s scalp

  • oleic acid - the by-product created when Malassezia breaks down sebum on your scalp

If you’re one of the 3 billion+ people in the world sensitive to oleic acid, you’re likely to experience dandruff at some point in your life.

Dandruff doesn’t discriminate

Because everything is happening on your scalp, your hair length won’t affect whether you suffer from dandruff.

(Balding parts of the scalp may experience less dandruff, though, because the environment is less suitable for Malassezia microbe; itthrives in warm, humid places).

It may affect how visible it is, however, as flakes could easily become hidden in longer hair compared to short hair, where it has less distance to travel to the surface where it can be seen.

Just because you can’t see it, don’t ignore dandruff

Dandruff is not just an aesthetic problem – it is itchy, uncomfortable and can damage your scalp and hair.

A dandruff sufferer’s scalp is less healthy than a non-dandruff sufferer’s scalp. Scratching an itchy and uncomfortable scalp can damage the skin surface even further.

As you might expect, an unhealthy scalp is a damaging environment for the hair. Scientific studies have shown that hair that grows froman unhealthy scalp is less healthy as well, with more surface damage.

That’s why we developed our Full & Thick shampoo to help keep your hair strong. Tackling dandruff keeps your scalp environment healthy, allowing your hair to be thick and full.

Tackling dandruff on long hair is now even easier thanks to our new Tri-Action formula.

The upgrade takes its inspiration from leading skin care products and cares for your scalp in 3 steps:

  • Cleans – with gentle cleansing agents that wash away dandruff flakes, grease and oil to leave your hair noticeably cleaner

  • Protects – the new formula contains micro-minerals which are left behind after you wash your hair to protect against dandruff damage so your hair can grow from a healthier foundation

  • Moisturizes – it instantly delivers extra conditioning to leave your hair feeling soft and smooth while the micro-minerals help to repair the scalp and lock in more moisture

More about the causes of dandruff

More tips and advice from the experts:

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